

Whether it’s because of a planned refresh cycle or a technology upgrade, you may be done with some of your IT assets but that doesn’t mean they don’t have some remaining life and value. Your technology assets could be worth something on the resale market. 

Remarketing is an opportunity for your organisation to recoup some of its initial investment on those assets. If you’re concerned about the cost of IT asset disposition, remarketing is a way for IT equipment to pay for its own disposal. You might cover some or all of your disposition costs. To ensure you get the most for your retired IT equipment, follow these guidelines:


Look after your used IT equipments

Don’t let them get damaged before they hit the resale market by following best practices for storing and packing your retired assets. They need to be packed to prevent damage during shipping, or you will lose significant value. If you are unsure how to do this, or don’t have the time or resources, Multi R IT can provide you with options and detailed instructions for packing to meet transportation regulations and to protect your asset value.

Click here to view the brochure


Don’t waste time

Don’t let your assets sit too long before remarketing. When new hardware releases occur, many companies move to refresh at the same time, sending a lot of the same equipment into the resale market. Remarketed asset values can change quickly. Avoid stockpiling assets in closets or storage rooms. Have it removed as often as possible.


Although the market for used technology is fluid and returns can fluctuate, price trends can be identified by asset type or class. Multi R IT can help you determine when your assets will go from revenue generators to cost creators. We will plan your upcoming refresh cycles to ensure you optimise the return value of your equipment being decommissioned.

Keep it together

Systems with missing components will net you lower returns. Don’t let your techs randomly pull parts from your machines. Also, make sure hard drives, power supplies, batteries, monitor stands, and all other detachable components are provided to your vendor along with the assets. If you need parts, set aside a specific number of assets just for that purpose.



IT asset disposal program


A good IT asset disposal program will help you achieve maximum resale value. click on our new brochure IT asset disposal services for more information.


Tags: IT asset disposal