"Environmentally friendly IT asset management services throughout Australia & New Zealand"

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     “Multi R IT offer complete e-waste recycling solutions.”




Our primary focus is to minimise the environmental footprint of old equipment.

Wherever possible, we aim to do this by extending the asset’s life through managing its reuse/redeployment.

Given the energy and material resources embedded in IT equipment, we believe this provides the greatest environmental benefit. However, if there is no further useable value in the equipment we ensure it is environmentally recycled in processes that meet best international standards.


Multi R IT offers e-waste recycling services, using specialist e-waste recyclers that are ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified.


Since it is a better outcome for the environment, we arrange for re-use of equipment first wherever possible, either as fully working systems or for parts. Items with no further use go through a ‘used electronic waste’(e-Waste) recycling process as prescribed under the Federal Hazardous Waste Act of 1989 and the guidelines of the Basel Convention (1994).

Processing complies with Australian Local, State and Federal laws and is conducted in an environmentally controlled way, eliminating or waste to landfill.


A certificate of disposal with accompanying detailed report is provided.





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